Leave a regular cooking oil, change to olive oil

Leave a regular cooking oil, change to olive oil - You surely know that olive oil is good for health as compared to other oil types. Because these oils contain monounsaturated fatty acids are healthier than other oils. Much healthy research has found some healthy benefits if you include these oils into your diet.

Reporting from boldsky.com, here are the healthy benefits that you can get if you include olive oil when you cook.

Leave a regular cooking oil, change to olive oil

Preventing heart disease
High blood pressure and cholesterol are the main reason behind heart disease. Cooking using the olive oil can lower your risk of these two diseases so that your heart healthier.

preventing cancer
Olive oil has a tendency to neutralize harmful free radicals in the human body, thereby reducing the risk of cancer.

Reducing the risk of diabetes
Research shows that cooking with olive oil can reduce the risk of diabetes by 50% than if you cook with regular oil. That is why people with diabetes are advised to use these oils when cooking.

Lose weight
Did you know that olive oil can help you lose weight? Because oil is good to destroy the bad fats in the body.

strengthen bones
Not many people know that olive oil can help in the absorption of calcium. Therefore, you become strong bones and prevent you from osteoporosis.

In addition to the above benefits, olive oil was found to nourish your digestive health by reducing the risk of gastritis, constipation, and intestinal infections.

Its own olive oil also contains antioxidants and vitamin E high so requires you to be careful when cooking with oil because the temperature is too hot will destroy vitamin content in it.

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